
Monday, May 31, 2010

Icarus - about hope

This weekend I finally got the muse to edit some photos, my friend Carina gave me over a year ago.

There are two images showing my own interpretation of the Icarus theme. It tells the story about hope and how to get rid of old chaines. About never giving up and a sort of deep confidence to fly again one day.

This is the first image. when all is obscure and you feel alone and lost in a deserted place...after all you saved this light in you, and you still believe that you'll get over this.

yes...I would say, this is the image about hope, definitely.


  1. Hi Calisto,
    On aminus I saw this photo, here I read your text. For this moment I am at my work and at home very busy. So there isn't much time for photography.But seeing your work gives me hope and courage fot later on. Thanks!

  2. keep it up patrick, it's all about expressing yourself :) cheers, calisto
